Friends Night...
People talk about the true value of friendship without knowing what it really stands for. True friendship is when there are no formalities; when the person you are talking with is counted as your very own family; where the relation you both share reaches a stage that even if you do not correspond for awhile, your relationship remains strong and intact.
True friends may not be able to meet up often due to certain circumstances. Still, they make no excuses of having work or appointments or anything else but will be with you whenever you need him or her; use whatever it take to see each other constantly and continue to find ways to keep in touch at all cost despite their respective busy schedules in life.
The love that they show each other remains consistently growing; many times more than the care they show to others. They always express concerns of how far their friendship is progressing, assure one another that they will always grow side-by-side, never leave either one behind, always runs and carries each other as a team.
The trust between true friends is such that if one friend falls in trouble, the other will not think twice to help; up to a point of going down to accompany them to rise above the storms. They face situations together and support one another even if it hurts the other individual's interest. True friendship thrives on trust, inspiration and comfort. True friends come to know when the other person is in trouble, merely by listening to their "Hello" over the phone. True friends do not desert each other when there is trouble.
True friendship never fades away; in fact it grows better with time. Nothing is hidden between true friends; they know each other strengths and shortcomings. No secrets are kept. True friends put up a firm resistance and cannot stand outsider commenting or criticizing their friendship without basis of truth. In your hour of desperation, a true friend will support you even if the whole world opposes you. It is not easy getting true friends and if you even found one true friend, consider yourself blessed, do not let them go.
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