E1 Cell Gathering...
The joy of growing in a fun-filled cell while forming strong teams of believers is the heartbeat of building the Kingdom of God...
Encouraging meaningful relationships between brothers and sisters in the Church while seeing new friends and family members added to us...
Being in this cell group brings about a deeper understanding in us of how important it is to learn "accountability" and be accountable for one another spiritual growth. It is very easy to stray away from God and side-track from His passion in our lives; thus, we need each other...
Our weekly cell meeting is an important time for God's might, love, and grace to manifest through the life of our members to each other and to our new friends. It is true that, "when two or three (or even more) of us come together in God's Name, His presence is tangible among us"...
We learned that when our hearts are set to commit in growth, we will be committed for growth.
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