Thursday, January 01, 2009

Blessed New Year 2009!!!

Blessed New Year 2009!!!

This is our blog's fourth year...

Thank you for being part of it in every way possible...

Giving thanks to God for every moments of our lives with Him and with you...

A New Year is dawning with God’s promise abound
A new era begins with much to be discovered and be found
A time for renewal, reflection, and change
Where our sacred dreams and wishes are in range
No longer shall we dwell on days that are gone
From this moment, let our hearts be bold and be strong
We will face the morning with faith and hope in our eyes
Thankful for a New Year of prosperity and surprise.

Through burdens and hardships, we have battled and won
As we find ourselves at this moment begun
Away from the sorrows that time has removed
We must be ready to embrace the future improved
May our inner man remain steadfast, our smiles remain bright
As we greet the New Year with God’s glory, power and might
Regardless of the paths which led us to now
We stand here, united as a family, with love on our brow.

This New Year has beckoned and long may she roam
Bringing us all the blessings and solace of home
The foods on our table, so plenty and grand
Be grateful for the riches held dearly in each heart and hand
May our joys outnumber the days we feel lost
May our wishes be on angels’ wings embossed
So, let our struggles be those we forget
Ushering 2009 to be our best year ahead!

© 2009 – Joseph Wong and Cyrus Fung


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