Tuesday, November 08, 2005

"Planet Shakers 2005"

"Always and Forever", "Evermore", "Majesty", " Jump Around", " You Are Great", etc...Songs that jumpstarts the conference...

Hearts are opening, minds are breaking up, flesh is dying, and people are living once again...

That's the enigma and conundrum that surrounds the wonderful presence of God when both young and old comes together in a full-scale corporate unity praising and worshipping God...

Personally, it is a long-awaited dream comes true (Glory to God in the highest!!!) to live and experience His awesome touch and companionship of many brothers and sisters in Christ (not to mentioned, all our friends and family members who came too...)

It's like what the song said, "Lost for words for all to say, Lord You take my breath away"", we could not stop thanking God in the way He imparts and impacts Kota Kinabalu, Sabah with His hands...

Abraham and the rest of the Heroes of the Faith areoverjoyed in Heaven to see the promise fulfilled, "And through your Offspring (Jesus), all nations on earth will be blessed because you have obeyed me..." (Genesis 22:18) when they know their labors paid off...

We take this opportunity to thank all those involved, supported and came to this conference...You all rocks!!!

When His Church harkens His voice, the Spirit of God testifies that, "God will make a covenant with His people, putting His laws in their hearts and writing it on their minds..." (Hebrews 10:16)

We witnessed how God mold people desires into one and shout, "Please move in this land!!!"

This conference became the stepping stone and springboard for us to look forward that God becomes the Ultimate Architect and Builder of the city of Kota Kinabalu, reaching out to many nations...

Thank you Pastor Russell and Sam, Reggie, Matt, Neil, and the rest of the team...


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