Sunday, June 05, 2005

This is the Day that the Lord has made!!!

Papa Jonathan continued on to help us reflect on some of the deep truths and lessons learnt:

1) Destiny is calling us to mount up with eagles' wings (Isaiah 40:31);

2) Wait upon the Lord, asked, "When will you come to me?";

3) Breaking through (the end of our flesh); Breaking forth (the beginning of our spirit);

4) Pray and uphold the people that God has put over us and those under our care;

5) Do not be intimidated by the devil; have peace, stature, and faith;

6) Through His living, He destroy ALL the works of the evil one;
Through His death, He rendered the devil POWERLESS of his fear of death; Through His resurrection and living in us, He destroyed DEATH and its enslavement; and

7) We must have a V8 Engine from God (Worshipping, Prophetic, Vibrant, Training Church and etc...).


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