The Lord is our Staff...
The break is over, but the battle is still on...
Dr. Tunde Bakare said, "we must not leave our homes for battles without His staff"...
Abraham...Jacob...Moses...all lean on their staff...Even David held onto the staff of God to deliver His people from the enemies...
He shared with us the significance of David's staff and the five stones that he brought it against Goliath (forces of evil), from the hills country of Philistine...
The staff (speaks of Jesus) symbolized God's encounter with Him and the governmental authority given to lead the army of Israel into victory...As for the stones, remember this...
Dr. Sumrall once said, "for every level, there's a devil"
Dr. Bakare adds on, "for every devil, there's a pebble"
He shows us four principles to take over nations for God:
1) Kingdom advancement involves taking back the previous grounds captured by the enemies and extending God's frontiers over the enemies territories;
2) Have a solid succession plan to maintain the victory we obtained from God;
3) The greatest tragedy befalling a ministry, network, or nations is when the voice/consensus of the people becomes the highest law instead of God Himself; and
4) We must understand our Divine Assignment and be faithful.
Praise the Lord, so much to learn from the heroes of the faith...
The people continued on with their lunch fellowship and power discussion on the lessons...

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