Never say "Good-Bye..." but "Welcome!!!"
Well, some of our brothers and sisters left on Saturday evening, others are leaving on Sunday morning...
The rest are returning back to their homeland where friends, families, and churches are eagerly waiting to hear about their time spend here in Borneo and what God has for their nations...
Tears began to flow down on our cheeks as we witnessed their departure at both of the airports...
We gave them our biggest hugs and say that in Malaysia, we greet many of our visitors, "Selamat Datang" (Welcome) and "Sila Datang Lagi" (Please come again) but seldom say "Good-bye"...
We believed in faith, hope and love that God had blessed your stay here and pray that He will grant you the heart to come again...
Til then, we bid you all farewell and we love you all...
Here's some more photos we have:

Give Us A Heart For The Nations...
We want to say a big "Thank You" to all of you, for believing God in making this conference, more than just another successful event but created a point of blessing to many nations...We are grateful to "Papa Jonathan, Mum, and their family in Full Gospel Muar", "Dr. Tunde Bakare, wife, and children", and "Pastor William, Aunty Lorna, and members of GCC" for their dedicated passion for God's move to sweep across the nations...This is our heartcry to the Father:
Father here we are;
Standing in Your presence;
Send us forth;
To lead them to the cross...
Here's some more photos for you all:

ISAAC 12th Anniversary Celebration!!!
As the 12th Anniversary Celebration sounded and the ISAAC conference is coming to an end, people came from various nations, dressed and clothed to express their cultures before God Almighty...
Dr. Tunde Bakare and Papa Jonathan shares the Word of God inscribed in their hearts to us:
1) There are more lands for you to conquer, enlarge your capacity to receive, to retain, and to release (Isaiah 26:12 - 15);
2) Cherish what we have this week and do not tamper with it so that God will reach out to the nations;
3) He will give us choice words and remove the scales from the eyes of prejudice and veil of nations;4) You cannot be distracted (Hebrews 6:7 - 15);5) Fear not of Absalom, for God is with you;6) Continue to honour covenant relationships;7) Understand and hold fast to the mandate from heaven;8) Give our strong support to the fathers of ministries;9) Love is good, faith is great, purity must be present, patience must be practice; and10) Let's bring back the Presence of God to our friendships, families, churches, and nations.

This is the Day that the Lord has made!!!
Papa Jonathan continued on to help us reflect on some of the deep truths and lessons learnt:
1) Destiny is calling us to mount up with eagles' wings (Isaiah 40:31);
2) Wait upon the Lord, asked, "When will you come to me?";
3) Breaking through (the end of our flesh); Breaking forth (the beginning of our spirit);
4) Pray and uphold the people that God has put over us and those under our care;
5) Do not be intimidated by the devil; have peace, stature, and faith;
6) Through His living, He destroy ALL the works of the evil one; Through His death, He rendered the devil POWERLESS of his fear of death; Through His resurrection and living in us, He destroyed DEATH and its enslavement; and
7) We must have a V8 Engine from God (Worshipping, Prophetic, Vibrant, Training Church and etc...).

Don't Greed for Money, but Seed for Jesus!!!
Dr. Tunde Bakare shared with us that, "we must seek God on ways to handle our finances lest the devil comes and destroy us with it"...
He said that many people made greed into their creed and to achieve the state of financial blessing, we need to understand and put into practice some of these Kingdom Principles:
1) God will send you His provision grace to do His work;
2) The greed for gain will take away its owner's life (Proverbs 1:19);
3) God will not receive from you what He has not given to you from the start (1 Chronicles 24:14);
4) The life of a man depends not on what he possesses but on how he lives; and
5) Selfish people will learn only from selfish people.
He continued with 3 levels in financial blessing: feeding/survival, sustenance/success, and significance (the Missing Factor)...
The missing factor is Jesus i.e. the Tree of Life and God's Word...The Tree of Life speaks of Jesus and it bears forth fruits of:
1) Wisdom and Peace in Financial Governance (Proverbs 3:13 - 18);
2) The fruits of righteousness as Soul Winners (Proverbs 11:30);
3) Wholesomeness of our tongues (Proverbs 13:12); and
4) Healing to the Nations (Proverbs 15:4).
The Word of God is used in dealing with Kingdom Financing:
1) Our Doctrine: Principles of living;
2) Our Rebuke: Reprove of sins;
3) Our Correction: Realignment of self; and
4) Our Training: Righteous discipline.
We all must learn not to impress people with our riches but to invest into the Kingdom... 1) We must learn to first sow the seeds before reaping the fruits;2) We are not called to be money-makers but people-planters;3) Prosperity is not what you have but who you are in Him;4) When you get right with God, money will follow you; and5) Recognize the 9 Christian Enterprise: Hands, Legs, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat, Mouth, Heart and Head.Some more photos for you all out there...

Let's Go Take The City!!!
Continue from where we left of in "The Lord is our Staff"...Dr. Tunde Bakare uncovered the remaining principles in taking cities and nations for God:
5) Understand the Prophetic Timing and interpret the Times for the Nations (as in the Book of Jonah);6) Wait upon the Lord (Psalm 127:1, Ecclesiastes 3:11) and overcome pressures (Isaiah 40:31);7) Know our jurisdiction or we will self-destruct (Know what God gives you and not what He did not); and8) Be not self-seeking (Glory be to God!!!).He also shared the Word of the Lord to ISAAC ministries...

We are the voice that carries His Word to the Nations...
Confirming what was said in Psalm 103:20 and by John the Baptist in Matthew 3:3, "Papa Jonathan" shows us things about the world to come as we journey on to the finish line...1) We will see Jesus coming back as the One Heir and Begotten Son of the Father;2) Jesus, in us, will shine across the nations of the world;3) The Seed in the life of His believers will bring them to the dimension of Sonship; and4) Jesus, will bring the Order of Melchizedek (Perpetual lineage and government) into place.He shared that, "In the last days, God will remove the weed and wolves among us and the knowledge of the Truth will set us free"...Believers will be "touching heaven, and changing earth!!!"

The Lord is our Staff...
The break is over, but the battle is still on...
Dr. Tunde Bakare said, "we must not leave our homes for battles without His staff"...Abraham...Jacob...Moses...all lean on their staff...Even David held onto the staff of God to deliver His people from the enemies...
He shared with us the significance of David's staff and the five stones that he brought it against Goliath (forces of evil), from the hills country of Philistine...
The staff (speaks of Jesus) symbolized God's encounter with Him and the governmental authority given to lead the army of Israel into victory...As for the stones, remember this...
Dr. Sumrall once said, "for every level, there's a devil"
Dr. Bakare adds on, "for every devil, there's a pebble"
He shows us four principles to take over nations for God:
1) Kingdom advancement involves taking back the previous grounds captured by the enemies and extending God's frontiers over the enemies territories;
2) Have a solid succession plan to maintain the victory we obtained from God;
3) The greatest tragedy befalling a ministry, network, or nations is when the voice/consensus of the people becomes the highest law instead of God Himself; and
4) We must understand our Divine Assignment and be faithful.
Praise the Lord, so much to learn from the heroes of the faith...
The people continued on with their lunch fellowship and power discussion on the lessons...

Don't just read Hebrews, live it...
After learning the meaning of Dabar Word of God, "Papa Jonathan" brings us to the Book of Hebrews...
He first shows us the price that Jesus, the Son of Man transcended to be the Son of God, paid for us...
Hebrews 1 shows us that Jesus represents the Radiance of the Father after provided the purification of sins...Hebrews 2 shows us how Jesus became the Author of our Salvation after He atoned our sins...Hebrews 3 shows us Jesus obedience as a son over God's house instead of a servant...
The truth learnt is that obedience is better than sacrifices...We also learnt how prophets of the past spoke of the Word but many were not able to witness Jesus as the Word Himself...The prophets were many but the Son is one and He is begotten of the Father...
The session ended with a short break and gave the people some time to ponder what has been said...

New Generation of Stars in the Sky!!!
Led by the Spirit of God, the nations praise and worship the Lord...When "Papa Jonathan" signalled the people, "to give the Second Shout!!!", the spiritual atmosphere literally opened and gave way for God to move in His people...Instantly, people were embraced and engulfed by the presence of God, transcending them to a higher dimension of intimacy with the Father...It was a night when people open up their hearts to receive God's prepared inheritance, purpose and destiny in their lives...After an intense hour of praise and worship, he shared that, "a whole new generation will rise up whose core values lies only in Jesus and that no winds or waves of change (except of God) will toss them to and fro as their positions are affixed in God's Kingdom; unchanging and shines through the darkest nights"...We also learnt the scriptural definition of the Dabar Word of God:"The totality of God's intended purpose and destiny in our lives""The indestructible calling and measure of grace in us""An anointing set against the power of darkness"

Distractions to the Fulfillment of our Destiny???
Brunch is over...Dr. Tunde Bakare continues on his forewarned message that there are 3 major distractions to believers in fulfilling their destiny:1) Our opinion of what God is doing with our (SELF) and (OTHERS);2) Personal Insecurity in trusting God; and3) Expectations of others and their prejudices.He noted that, "a good idea may not necessarily be God's idea" (Wow! what a revelation...) and, sometimes trials and tribulations are sitting side-by-side with our destiny...Sometimes, the matured and older ones are frightened by others who are newer and younger when given a task to do in His Church...We felt threatened and thus, nullify the positions God has given to us in Christ...We may also be swayed away from God's intended purpose and destiny in our lives by flowing along with people's trend and vogue instead of the guidance of the Holy Spirit...Summing up, he encouraged us to:1) See God's purpose as our own convictions and not our convenience (Acts 20:17 - 18);2) Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5 - 6); and3) That it is not a battle of heights, but of the ex-anointed (King Saul), un-anointed (Goliath) and God's anointed (David).

The Day Of Governing Grace is here...
As the people conference starts pouring in, God's awesome presence starts picking up, carrying us to another dimension of His Spirit...
Those who have ears, let them hear; those who have eyes, let them see; and those who have hearts open it wide to perceive what God has for them...
Speaking on the issue of Godly Governance of Leadership in today's church, Papa Jonathan said, "we must have scriptural discernment as leaders toward God's flock entrusted to our care"...
As Smith Wigglesworth said, "in the last days, there will be a great revival of both God's Word and His Spirit", we must be prepared to embrace this fresh awakening in order to harmonize with the spiritual atmosphere as God starts to move across the nations...
Affirming us that if, we want to dwell in the fullness of God's presence and inheritance for us, we must open up our outlets and keep our attitude clean....
He speaks to us that as leaders, we must have the Spirit (character and heart) of Sacrifice as Jesus did towards the people and must seek that sacred place in God's heart so that our prayers be answered according to His Will...

Praise The Lord All Nations!!!
The opening ceremony of the 12th ISAAC conference commenced with a great pomp and pageantry as the youths and childrens ushered in the presence of God; carrying in the various nations' flags and fused it with myriad of presentations (Theme: To All Nations) prepared as early as 4 months ago...
(From the lips of children and infants, God has ordained his praises - Matthew 21:16)
The key purpose of this prophetic march was to put Jesus as the Centrality of all Nations!!!
From there, the Spirit of God moves us into His Breakthrough Worship and His Dabar Word...
Seating under the Feet of Jesus, many of us heard His awesome message in separating distractions from our destiny through Dr. Tunde Bakare...
Hearing how Jonah was distracted because of the place, Tarshish (means established) and Joppa (means beauty)...
We need to let God deal with our covetousness and stubbornness at times in order to move from hell back to the presence of our Heavenly Father...
Yes!!! God is looking for yielded hearts and souls for His Kingdom purpose and destiny...Are we ready?Here's some more pictures...