Sunday, May 31, 2009

EO Conference!!!

We must live our Extraordinary Christian lives with Christ-like Extraordinary Attitudes...

When I say attitude I mean a state of mind or disposition. We have all met a person or two in life, whom when we walked away, we said, “that person had a funny disposition.” Meaning to say, we are interested in the way they perceive and view life interactions to themselves...

How we handle certain situations or the way we react to certain problems show a lot of our experience over the years without disregarding the true feelings in our hearts.
Sometimes, we said it is impossible to be different but in truth, we just refused to get out of our own comfort zone of being 'common like others' and wanting to remain in our 'status quo'...

Our attitude has the potential to set us apart from others for God’s glory. It also has the capacity to repel people from us, bringing shame to the Name of Christ...

Paul challenges us in Philippians 2:2 to be of the same mind (not common). What we must realize is that this is not a one-time challenge. We may wish that it was, or may even say it is impossible to be of the same mind set as other believers, but the fact is God has challenged us to be of the same mind set, not just here but also in Romans 15:5, 1 Corinthians 1:10, 2 Corinthians 13:11...

It may be hard but then Paul follows up in verse 2, saying in Philippians 2:5 “have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus.” I believe that the only way for the Christian body to be of the same mindset is when we see each other as respective individuals in heart, taking on the extra-ordinary attitude of Christ. If we can have the perspective of Christ, then we began to be like minded...

Paul shared with us few pointers of how extra-ordinary Christian living and attitudes can be assessed and exemplified in Philippians 2:1-5...

1) Any Encouragement of uniting in Christ
2) Any Consolation of Comfort and Love in Christ
3) Any Fellowship of the Spirit
4) Any Affection and Compassion

1) The same Love for Each other
2) United in Spirit
3) Intent on one purpose
4) Not Selfish or about empty conceit
5) Contrite and full of humility through grace

Extra-ordinary therefore can be simply put as, 'not as a matter of yes or no' but about 'we can do all things through Him who strengthens us' (Philippians 4:13)...