Sunday, April 26, 2009

E1 Weeks of Servant Leadership...

Servant Leadership is a paradoxical term which illuminates the true nature of genuine leadership at every level of life (workplace, community, family, church and world)...

It brings us to the very heart of Christian discipleship; how Jesus lives out His life on Earth...

Servant leadership, can be radically defined as the almagation of both faith and works (James 2:14-26)...

It offers a compelling model for contemporary Christian living and a spiritual path that connects our faith in God and how we live out our daily life in Him (Philippians 2:1-4)...

In contributing to our church preparations of weekly refreshment, which we have twice a year, our cell members are able to have a deeper insight and understanding of the gospel truth of, 'to be a great leader, we must first be a great servant to others in the Body of Christ'...