I Love Malaysia Beach Outing...

We are reminded of our country's past, give thanks to God for the present, and pray for our nation as one family with one heart and voice towards the future...
Pray fervently in passion and unceasingly in joy for the following:
1) The willingness of our heart to give to our nation be the heritage and legacy to the next generation...
2) That God's truth and justice be the key of our nation's success...
3) This nation be blessed always with love, peace, and hope...
4) The citizen will strive for excellence and accept pruning as part of a growing process...
5) To use what God has given to us as a nation to bless other nations in return...
6) Take up every single stumbling block as stepping stones towards our future...
7) Thank God for the harvest and contemplate on what we truly believe Him for our nation...