Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Memories of February (P Zone Outing) Part 1's almost the end of February and the whole zone came up with an idea to have an outing at the 3rd beach, Tanjung Aru...

Our Event Coordinator: Serena...

Our Game Coordinator: Anna...

Our Photographer (Fui Lee), Game Assistant (Monica), and Scoreboard Master (Cynthia)...

Our First Aid Personnel: Pauline...

Our First, Second and Third Place Hampers...

The Red Team: Arthur and his Hip-Hoppers...

The Blue Team: Derek and his lovable atheletes...

The Green Team: Joseph and his fighting machines...

The Yellow Team: Lester and his gardeners...

The Orange Team: Charissa and her smileys...

The Black Team: Natalie and her pirates...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

P1 Night Out at Olde Station and Secret Recipe

One of the best moments when you are in a cell-group life...

Sending out Fui Lee to taste and savour the food quality...

You heard of "Finger-Licking Good"...This is dramatically, "Finger-Biting Great"...

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Memories of February (P4 Refreshment Sunday)

We are going to have some blog entries on P4 Cell Members...

From Left to the Right: Maggie, Sophia and May...

From Left to the Right: Nigel and Wooi Ling...

Don't worry...their leader (Cynthia), intern (Eddie), and guitarist (Kelvin) is inside the Church working their hearts out for the Worship Team and Media Crew...