Thursday, January 25, 2007

P Zone Combined Celebration

The fruit of this event's message by our Zone Supervisor, Fui Lee is simply beyond words and definitely instilled a greater depth of grace into each of our lives...

Message Pointers:

1) Count Your Blessings (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
2) Forget the Failures and Move On (Philippians 3:13 - 14)
3) Plan and Let God Directs (Proverbs 16:9)

Ice were quickly broken, the Spirit of God moves mightily and the fellowship thereafter were great...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

A New Year, A New Beginning...

As we begin a whole new year, I will be penning down more on my P1 Cell Group...

Left to Right:
Joseph (Me...), Jessica, Serena (Cell Leader), Doris (Jeffry's cheerful wife), Sim Yee, Winnie, Jenny, and Jeffry (Cell Intern)

Guess we need to start the ball-rolling with food and fellowship...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Let The Flames Burn Brighter...

As we journey into the second year of our P3 Cell Group, we are glad to have a new leader and a new team working together in bringing impact to the next generation...

Left to Right (1st Row):
Stephanie, Charissa, Derek, Mathew, Damien, Joseph, MC, Tan, Polly, Pauline...

Left to Right (2nd Row):
Joshua, Winnie, Chui Ting, Monica (Cell Leader), Ellie, Rachel, Cyrus (Me)...

No worries, we are not just into prayer and food...Here's our new friend (Etern)...

Monday, January 01, 2007

Fulfilling the Vision of "Spreading The Flame"

We believe that it is both a "blessing and divine plan for every Church in the world to grow"...

One of the veracities in "Church Growth" today is when people in the Church constantly gets more exciting in eyeing heavily on serving others while consistently spreading out wings to cover more grounds of the community...

Pointers and truths for God's Church in Transforming Nations:

1) God has given both "YOU" and "I", His Love for Christ;

2) This is for the "Church Advancement and Kingdom Purpose",

a) Church Advancement speaks of "Reaching-out";
"Only a life lived for others are worthwhile" (Albert Einstein)

b) Kingdom Purpose shows when we "Live out the Life of Christ to our neighbours";
"Example is a way in influencing others" (Albert Schweitzer)

3) When we have strong members in the Church, we will have a stalwart and vigorous family;

4) Only then, the Family of God becomes broad-shouldered and well-built to reach out to the cities...

5) The Church must impact the cities according to the grace, accuracy and timeliness of God's Will;
"Only a healthy Church can heal a sick city, not a sick Church"
(Senior Pastor William Vun of Glory Christian Centre)

6) Once the city is shaken up for God's dealings and transformation, can the nations be influenced...