Informal Gathering but a Strong Bonding...
We had our informal cell meeting this week and the goal of the gathering is to forge a new and stronger bond among members, preparing one another for the upcoming events...
This should be credited as the "genuine smile of the month"...
Ice-cream and soft drinks are something these guys cannot live without...*hehe*
Fellowship of the straw-sisters...*nah*
Talking about the days of shame and fame in the year 2005...
God is in and the Dog is out!!!
We wish you all "Blessed New Year" as we open up a new chapter of our blog...
The year "2005" was a year which the Lord blessed us bountifully over seasons of organised events and functions...We witnessed the great and mighty works of the Lord manifested in the lives of both the old and new brothers and sisters...
Some of them are of our families and friends, who for the first time in their lives, made the decision to accept and follow Jesus...
As believers in Jesus, we praise the Father that 2006 is in His sovereign hands and not of the dog or any other animals...
We are looking forward to the empowerment of God's Spirit upon His Church as we "ignite His fire and spread His flame" across the nations of the world throughout the year...
We shared some of our deepest and celebrative moments with each other during the first event of the year, "GCC Open House" at Pastor William and Sister Lorna's new resident...We appreciate all those who gave in their time and efforts to make this gathering more than just another "successful event" but a "significant moment" in the history of Glory Christian Centre...
Memories of December (Christmas Fun Time Decoration)
We believe that it is both a "blessing and divine plan for every Church in the world to grow"...One of the veracities in "Church Growth" today is when people in the Church constantly gets more exciting in eyeing heavily on serving others while consistently spreading out wings to cover more grounds of the community...Pointers and truths for God's Church in Transforming Nations:1) God has given both "YOU" and "I", His Love for Christ;
2) This is for the "Church Advancement and Kingdom Purpose",a) Church Advancement speaks of "Reaching-out";
"Only a life lived for others are worthwhile" (Albert Einstein)
b) Kingdom Purpose shows when we "Live out the Life of Christ to our neighbours";"Example is a way in influencing others" (Albert Schweitzer)3) When we have strong members in the Church, we will have a stalwart and vigorous family;4) Only then, the Family of God becomes broad-shouldered and well-built to reach out to the cities...5) The Church must impact the cities according to the grace, ccuracy and timeliness of God's Will;"A sick Church cannot heal a sick city; only a healthy Church can do it" (GCC Senior Pastor William Vun)
6) Once the city is shaken up for God's dealings and transformation, can the nations be influenced...