Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Ministry Life in several Gamma Cells (Part 1)...

Life in the Gammas (at least i'm going to speak of Gamma 3 first)...

This is the very cell that started some of our guys and girls "Walk with Jesus"... (Personal Note: Thank you Gamma 3...)

The children and grandchildren cell? Gamma 9 and Gamma 6...

An integrative network of various people: from hyper-active to wacko-yacko; from princess and princes to cute and adorable ones; tough and rough to gentleman and ladies...

Holding fast to the two-fold vision of GCC Cell Ministry: Minister and Multiply, these three gamma cells have always been about, "strengthening members from within to be ministers of God and building relationships with myriad of people as a way to reach out"...

Leaders, interns and members encounter diversity of challenges and decision-makings in the process of growing each week...

These includes planning of activities, delegating tasks, brainstorming ice-breakers, leading of worship, practicing Holy Communion, sharing the Word of God, spending time on prayer, preparing refreshments and enjoy much fellowship...

However, God's Grace and Love prevails (Amen!!!), giving us joy in the midst of weariness, strength in times of weakness, and faith to overcome storms in our lives...

Our goals:

1) Inculcating a Kingdom Lifestyle in the life of the Believers;
2) Restoring the Kingdom Heart and Mindset in the Unchurched;
2) Bringing in the Kingdom Harvest of the Unbelievers; and
3) Seeding a whole new breed of His Kingdom People...