"Sacred Romance" Camp at Kinabalu Pine Resort...
Breaking forth from the ISAAC Conference, Glory Christian Centre swiftly and promptly organised the first-ever GCC Young Adults Camp with Ps. Yoong and wife as the speakers.
Throughout the camp, participants were one-by-one, touched and transformed into partakers by the presence of God and openness to one another in various conversational and discussion themes...
Among some of the issues articulated by Ps. Yoong was to relate how, "one man and one woman must first put their priority in focusing God as their True Love before searching out for one another"...
When committing oneself to put Christ in the Centre of their lives, it ushers in great blessings and unspeakable joy when two person found each other in Him...
In addition, young adults must, "rise up to be an archetype reflecting the Divine Companionship as Christ is to His Bride (the Church) and set a whole new paradigm of standards for others to follow"...
Needless to say, this exposé gave way to both the guys and girls a session to unlock and unveil some of the deep thoughts and perplex views on why not able to relate well with one another...
(I live the detail to them if you have any questions about it...coz it's personal and group secrets...)
The rest of the story...vibrant praise...holy worship...love and care...photo sessions...food and fellowship...